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About Sharah

As a belly dancer in the Denver area for the past 14 years, I have had the privilege to learn from some of Denver's finest including (but certainly not limited to) Sitara, Suzara, Phoenix, Rafi'ah and most recently Suzanna Del Vecchio. I have also had the privilege of particpating in workshops with nationally acclaimed dancers such as Princess Farhana and Maliah Delapena. As a performer I am available for private parties and group performances as an individual dancer or with my troupe mates in Raks Kiz. As an instructor I am available for private, semi-private and group instruction. Contact me about current studio locations and rates.

My story:
I always wanted to be a dancer, ever since I was a little girl. My parents refused to put me into dance classes, probably because it is expensive and, as I recall my dad saying, I'd probably just give up on it. I saved my own allowance and paid for my first tap class at the Golden rec center and I practiced and practiced every day... I even still remember some of the most basic steps I learned at then age 10, I think. But by the time the first performance came around, I was nervous... I had already begun puberty and felt very out of place with my rounding body and budding breasts - especially compared to the girls in my class who were all thin and stick like. I had been teased in school relentlessly and had repeatedly heard my dad jokingly call my mom "thunder thighs" even though she was thin and to my young girl's eyes was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen (and still is!). And though I had a tremendous amount of self confidence for such a young girl (or so everyone seemed impressed with the idea that I did) I was too scared to go up on stage at the Westminster mall and perform our little number. And so I didn't.

I found my performance home ultimately in theater and specifically music theater where I could become a character. I enjoyed discovering character make-up and helping my other student performers in creating their characters. But I was never cast as a featured dancer and deep inside was devastated, knowing it was because those girls in the dance spotlight were trained and had trained for years! I was the one who gave up, who wasn't tall enough, thin enough, or good enough to be a dancer.

I was in college when again I tried a dance class - jazz this time. The teacher instructed us to write an essay on "who we are". I LOVED this assignment! I wrote and reflected introspectively on who I am and what I love about myself and being me. Part of what I wrote was my obsession with make-up and how every day my face is a fresh canvas where I can create whomever I choose to be that day - Something I still believe in! Oh how I relished that I had finally found a home in dance, a place where the instructor understood what we go through in trying to find our self identity and how we struggle to be comfortable in our own skin! But the exercise that followed was one in acting - move across the room as if you are shy, now as if you are brave, next as if you are silly, etc... And my essay came back with a red markings stating, "you shouldn't care so much what others think of you!" .... and so I promptly dropped the class.

I had been enamored with belly dance since my first musical theater experience where one of my cast mates had trained since she was a little girl in the dance - her mother was a dancer. Whenever we were at a fair where there was belly dancing, I was front and center with baited eyes ready to be dazzled and was never disappointed. Finally when my husband and I bought our house and the local rec center publication came out, I saw they offered belly dance! I signed up and nervously went to class with this deep fear that this too would just be another failed attempt at dance. I probably would be too heavy, too short, too clumsy... but told myself it was for fun and exercise and nothing more.

I arrived and found a room of women equally as nervous as I and the most beautiful (and beautifully imperfect) instructor who laughed and brought joy and a bubbly spirit to the room. All my fears disappeared and I found in that room with mirrors my dancer's soul! I found my beauty, I found my sensuality. I was sexy and beautiful and found that I could dance!

Belly dance is not easy. Even my best friend who danced in every classical form and with a professional company has noted that belly dance has been one of the more difficult forms of dance for her to attempt. My point is that you will be amazed at the skills and muscle movement you can develop learning this dance. It is difficult at first as you train your body to move in ways you never have before, even if you've had dance training. You will feel proud at your accomplishment of muscle isolations placed on top of complex foot work. And most importantly you will find you are beautiful just as you are! Your curves are beautiful and welcome! Your straight boyish form will feel feminine and sexy! Whatever your body type, you will find you can do this dance - it will be gentle on your body and yet challenging. It will help keep you fit and will also help you realize your body is already amazing and beautiful even with that extra 10 pounds.

Thank you for letting me share my story and I can't wait to laugh, play and dance with you!

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